Welcome to the very first blog by ImagineWe Publishers!
For our first blog, to celebrate Worldwide Autism Awareness Day
*drum roll*
One of our favorite stories to share about the creation of an OG book from year 1!
In the process of coming up with book ideas for the company before it officially launched, the CEO was in graduate school at Buffalo State College. Jessica was pursuing a degree in Creative Studies from the International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC) - founded by two amazing scholars that formed the bedrock to what created ImagineWe Publishers (soon to be formerly ImagineWe, LLC).
The Creative Problem Solving process is a system of tools and techniques to guide thought processes about an issue or problem towards a solution through creativity.
Jessica grew up often feeling disconnected from the other students in her grade when she was a lot younger. She tended to expedite her learning, and have all of her homework done before everyone else while maintaining the High Honor Roll before she really knew what achievement even was. In her later years, she grew fascinated by research about square pegs, and gifted and talented students. She eventually arrived at the hypothesis that she might be somewhere on the spectrum. Her love for the connection she felt with this idea caused her to form an idea to create the type of session she did in her graduate class with children on the spectrum.
The event came together quickly and with a great deal of success. The kids came to the workshop with energy, optimism, and innate creativity. Jessica discussed with them things about them that were absolutely amazing, and she helped them to color in superhero figures from a whole range of coloring page choices. They now had the ability to color in their suits, and discuss their superpowers! The energy building in the room had their thoughts shooting all over the place, and Jessica continued to guide them through the process until it was time to go!
Two hours it took to reconstruct their personalities into superheroes and we gave them each special powers. These powers made them the unique children that they knew and loved. They bonded over their issues, and they even threw a bully into the book so they could tackle that problem as well.
Two hours it took to create Dylan D’Villaine, Million Man (who refused to be called Mista Million Man), and Selectricity. Dylan wanted to be the bad guy, and she wanted to take out Selectricity (who in real life is her brother #siblingrivalry #siblinglove). Dylan makes magical glitter potions, and she has the ability to hypnotize the characters with her HypnoBongos. When she played them, everyone in the story had to dance and play. No one was allowed to do homework, or chores, or responsibilities. This will surely be a way to make friends!
Selectricity is an engineer. His power is electricity, which he harnesses in his heart. He created a helmet that would block all hypnotic powers the second Dylan created those hilarious bongos! Selectricity refused to be taken down by bongos.
Million Man is the strongest man in the world! He has a rainbow rope that is stronger than anything that has ever existed. It captures and secures all bad guys with its power. Selectricity never had enough time to create a second helmet for Million Man so Million Man falls prey to Dylan D’Villaine’s powers and he is stuck dancing and playing almost the entire book!

The session was so much fun, and the story that came out of it proves that!
The Spectrum Heres Take on Dylan D’Villaine is a story of trial and error, creativity, and so many funny moments! It is one of the books that ImagineWe is most proud to have been a part of. The second edition is releasing this month!
Preorder your copy today!
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